Friday, June 11, 2010

The modern-day Gutenberg press is the internet

This is a great article on gold and silver manipulation by “the powers that be,” but I want to direct your attention to the "Daily Bell After Thoughts" at the end of this article. The writer conveys the idea that we are in the midst of this era's "pre-Reformation" because of the advent of the internet. The internet is today’s Guttenberg printing press.

For the longest time we’ve been “serfs” under a system managed by “overlords.” In analyzing world events, you can either take the “realist” approach which I’ve taken for the longest time, which, admittedly, may seem pessimistic, helpless, and pathetic at times. The “powers that be” have designed it to create a sense of helplessness within us. Friends of mine who are involved in the organizations I devote much of my time, often point out what is wrong in the world without ever presenting solutions, adding to the sense of helplessness and despair, and they feel that “people are knuckle-dragging Neanderthals” or “cretins.”
Although, I’m outraged at the utter ignorance of “the masses,” I have to remind myself that it is not entirely their fault. They’ve been “conditioned” in a system that has trained them to be obedient citizens, but never competent enough to truly question, or even realize that they are being spoon-fed the “reality” the powers that be would have them believe. This is equivalent to selling our posterity to the slave masters that are preparing behind the scenes (Google search: “Georgia Guide Stones” for a list of their goals). Most have been brought up to fear the mockery and scorn of being different, which is also taught. There are many other reasons but on the face of it that is why. Many have their attention diverted by sports and reality TV, while the government incrementally chokes their freedoms. This same system teaches them that the American way of life is supreme and that they live in the best and freest country in the world, when in fact this is not so, and America is approaching the level of delusion of North Korea, not quite but you get my point.
However, there is hope and room for optimism. We should continue to stay informed and to question everything. We should find ways around the system that is forced on us and which is increasingly Draconian. Avoid mainstream media by cutting your cable subscription, avoid the newspapers by finding free media sources on the internet that have an agenda of finding truth, as opposed an agenda fixated on political dogma, and sources that haven’t been infiltrated by “disinformation agents.” Many mainstream organizations have been "infiltrated," because of their influence and scope, but they haven’t tainted many of the small ones, there are just too many, they are too decentralized. Avoid public schools from brainwashing our children and instead send them to private schools or home school them. Avoid paying taxes legally and take advantage of all the socialized costs, there is no shame in screwing the system that is intended on screwing you. Do not join the military or encourage children to join. The US government “throws the cream of its youth into battle” for unjust causes, i.e. causes that do not involve our freedom. Unfortunately, when any of our countrymen fight in any war they are not being “patriotic,” they are taught de-sensitivity to bloodshed, and taught to “follow orders,” then the government squeezes out every ounce of energy to maximize every bit of slaughtering potential they have. They do not fight for their country, they fight for their government, the "Oligarchs."
Why would we want to reward our corrupt government for lying to us for and for trying to subjugate us for the last century? The good news is that the plans of the power elite are being exposed and their fragile structure will not withstand the truth being revealed by the "alternative media." This is what I was trying to explain to you the other night. Here are some good websites: For general news stories that really matter I recommend For issues pertaining to political science I recommend Joel Skousen’s web site at and Judge Napolitono's Freedom WatchFor economic information I recommend For business topics I recommend and www.financialsense.comEnjoy!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Toyota Sales for March increase 35% in spite of government assault...

I've always known that the Toyota accidents and recalls were entirely overrated. Obama and his team of central planners are trying to prove to Americans that "yes [the government] can!" run a car company better than competent businessmen, but in the end it's going to back fire on them. 

Let's take the sixty day money back guarantee that Government Motors is currently offering. Only a team of government bureaucrats would come up with such an idiotic idea. I can't wait to see the huge depreciation expenses GM will inevitably take when they have to take back many of the cars. 

Furthermore, I don't think Obama realizes that the American people aren't stupid. The public understands that Socialist regimes, like the current one, unjustly use all resources at their disposal, like the IRS and the FBI, to attack those who oppose them politically. In this case Obama used the State-controlled media and The Transportation Department to attack Toyota's credibility in hopes of bringing GM's competition down a peg or 2. 

If this doesn't work the Socialists will just bail GM out again. Eventually, when this idea fails again, they'll likely put huge tariffs on foreign competitors, and when consumers still refuse to buy cars from GM (because the quality will continue to decline, while the prices continue to increase) they'll nationalize the entire industry. It sounds unbelievable, but, then again, I never cease to be amazed at the incompetence and arrogance of Obama and his rubber-stamp Congress...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Joel Skousen's Take On The Recent Events Involving Ted Kennedy

An excerpt from Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief ( )

Besides being grossly and habitually immoral (leading to many illegal acts that had to be covered up by his handlers), Senator Ted Kennedy was totally corrupt pawn in the hands of the Powers That Be (PTB). Even if he had any humane principles, as his fans claim, the PTB had so much evidence on him of shameful incidents that blackmail would have been an ever-present means of control--as it is with many in Congress. Shame on conservatives like Orrin Hatch and Mitt Romney, and others, who have bent over backwards to say nice things about him in order to gain favor with the world. Joseph Farah of had the courage to call a spade a spade this week, even as the rest of the world was eulogizing the senior Senator from Massachusetts who finally succumbed to brain cancer.
"I don't subscribe to the idea that when evil and foolish people die we should pretend they were something other than evil and foolish. And Ted Kennedy was evil and foolish [Ted Kennedy's crimes were with full knowledge and deliberate--not those of a fool]. He wasn't just a politician with whom I disagreed. He was a rotten man -- a wicked man. I know you're not hearing this from the rest of the press. I know you're not even hearing this from his worst critics. But if we can't call Ted Kennedy wicked and immoral, those terms have lost all meaning.
"Ted Kennedy always was a socialist -- and he actually admitted it on the floor of the Senate Jan. 20, 1995. I've never seen this revelation before, though it has been a matter of public record all these years -- published, as it were, in the Congressional Record. I was amazed to find it in a book by Republican political consultant Marc Nuttle called 'Moment of Truth.' Economist Milton Friedman was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of a national constitutional amendment for a balanced budget. Kennedy argued that a requirement for a balanced budget would restrict the federal government's power and its ability to spend -- thus, 'he said, Washington's role in more fairly and equitably distributing wealth, goods and services.
"'Senator, socialism hasn't worked in 6,000 years of recorded history,' explained Friedman. 'Why won't you give up on it?' Kennedy rose to his feet, according to Nuttle, who attended the hearing, and replied: 'It hasn't worked in 6,000 years of recorded history because it didn't have me to run it.' [This is an almost universal response from dedicated socialists, especially as they respond to observations about communism's abject failures and tyranny].
"I'm not going to forget that admission today -- the day after his death. I'm not going to forget the way he unashamedly promoted abortion on demand. I'm not going to forget the way he attempted to aid and abet our enemies to further his own political ambitions [always justifying Soviet behavior]... I'm not going to forget the idiotic way he characterized Ronald Reagan's brilliant initiative for strategic missile defense as 'Star Wars.' I'm not going to forget the way he left Mary Jo Kopechne alive in a car underwater where she survived, according to the coroner's report, for up to three hours, while he showered, shaved and sobered up before alerting police to his reckless, homicidal driving." Americans everywhere should resist the call to make this man a hero.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Crisis Will Continue

According to Marc Faber the next financial crisis is on the horizon. It all stems from the decades of mal-investment. More recently the problem began when the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to artificially low levels which encouraged bad investment. The low interest rates led to speculation in housing which created the most recent bubble. The burst led to the current recession.

However, the government is doing the same thing that caused the recession to solve the current problems. The Federal Reserve has lowered interest rates to near zero and politicians have created additional incentives for people to continue to purchase, such as giving new home buyers eight-thousand dollars, and giving car buyers cash for used cars which will be destroyed (yes the government is allowing perfectly good used cars to be destroyed as well as helping organized crime thrive by creating a black market for these cars!).

Instead of creating artificial demand and encouraging consumption, the Fed should dramatically increase interest rates which create incentive to save and politicians should discontinue the silly schemes and allow home prices to fall to their intrinsic values and also allow inefficient companies to fail.

With rates so low there will be another bubble created elsewhere in the economy, yet the media and politicians continue to congratulate Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke and the other thugs they surround themselves with for a job well done, as if they are responsible for solving the problems in the economy. The crisis has just begun. It is not over. There is surely more to come.

Friday, August 21, 2009


In July of 2008 the price of oil soared above $145 per barrel. Throughout the months long price increase that led to this pinnacle in the price of oil the media tried to make it look like oil companies were price gouging and citizens were demanding that something be done. Senator Hillary Clinton (NY-D) among other politicians at the time called for over-bearing legislation such as a windfall profits tax to appease the populist outrage.

Although Democrats did not get their wish and pass harmful legislation, this is an example of the typical reaction from politicians that continues the cycle of destruction that is caused by the unintended consequences of their original legislation in the first place. People lack accountability, politicians feel pressured to "do something," new overbearing legislation is caked on top of the other unnecessary production-inhibiting legislation.

Why did we have oil prices reach that height in the first place? One needs look no further than the unintended consequences of our politicians in Congress. Congressmen would like nothing more than to stay in office. Who could refuse the power (the kind that allows you to snuff your enemies), influence, and amazing perks, i.e. tax exemption, health insurance fit for kings, etc? This is why politicians succumb to the influence of their "constituents;" the kind that provide "bundling," the kind that can afford powerful lobbyists, the kind that require something in return for their support.

One such powerful group of constituents is the corn lobby; the lobby that was behind the bright idea to convert corn into ethanol, known as E85. They along with politicians packaged the idea to look like an environmentally friendly and pro-American solution to our fuel needs. They would mandate that gasoline providers must have a small percentage of each gallon of gasoline contain corn ethanol; therefore, creating an artificial market for that inefficient bio-fuel for the purpose of appeasing corn farmers and their lobby, in essence, paying for votes.

The consequence of this small action combined with other factors resulted in a plethora of devastating consequences. Last year there was a worldwide drought. Subsistence as well as commercial farmers in other countries were unable to grow crops which caused a shortage in commodities around the globe.

When Congress coercively mandated that gasoline station sell ethanol that action led to artificially driving up the price even more, as well as an incentive for farmers, who would otherwise grow other agricultural commodities like wheat, maize, cotton, etc., to grow corn instead. This corn would be used for non-food consumption.

The fact that the U.S. feeds a significant portion of the world literally had a deadly effect on people in other countries when they could no longer afford to purchase food because of the dramatic artificial price increase. Moreover, Congress put tariffs on foreign bio-fuels and other food commodities exacerbating the increase even more.

Oil, as a commodity, would naturally rise, but why so disproportionately? When people perceive inflation they convert their dollars into physical assets which tend to hold value constant against a decreasing dollar. Some analysts believed that investors perceived inflation coming and instead of purchasing real estate or gold to preserve their wealth against inflation they sought to preserve it by storing it in oil contracts, a way to hedge.

Also, it should be noted that people in the "BRIC" countries have growing economies and increased wealth which translates into an increased demand and taste for larger food portions, more variety, and richer foods. There is no doubt that the increased global demand put even more pressure.

Finally, there was the perception that "evil speculators" were behind the dramatic spike. Speculators thought the price would increase forever. The fact of the matter is that there is peak oil, which I won't discuss in this post, but the price should at least be double the high back in July of 2008. However, the accurate price is the equilibrium price the participants in the market are willing to buy and sell uninhibited by the government.

All these events, whether perceived or actual, contribute to an increase in the price of oil as well as commodity prices in general. Where does the blame lie? The bureaucrats in Washington. Although local politicians screw stuff up too they do not do it to the magnitude that federal bureaucrats do.

We can learn so much from our recent history. Some wish to ignore these and other events as inconsequential. The smart money has realized for the last decade that there has been a shift; a shift that is still in motion, from paper products to commodities and other asset classes.

There are several asset classes: paper product such as equities and bonds; and hard assets, such as real estate, commodities, and currencies. Wall Street has ignored everything except paper products. They stand to profit from the bonuses and fees they receive through underwriting, brokering, and disseminating these paper products into the primary market.

There is no wonder the powerful elites on Wall Street stand in the way of approving college text books that teach about products other than paper. You find little mention in these books about the other more important asset classes.

However, soon commodities will skyrocket and there will be a shift, not entirely, away from the paper products and the shufflers on Wall Street to the other classes, which after all, encompass the majority of our lives. This in spite of the naysayers who believe the commodity super-cycle has come and gone.

We will see food prices increase permanently higher. In the short-run they will continue to fluctuate. Become a farmer. Buy equities if you must, but make sure they are non-Dollar denominated commodity based stocks. Start a business. Buy real estate. Buy precious metals. Food prices, and all other commodities, including oil, will continue to increase as long as the government keeps meddling in the economy. Be invested in them.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Government Destruction

In the past week on a couple of occasions a few co-workers and I discussed the health care bill proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats and all sorts of thoughts were thrown out as to why it is good or bad. Two over-riding thoughts prevailed. One co-worker said that legislation was needed to allow a government-run option "to keep insurance companies honest." That line is exactly the garbage the President is spewing. Another co-worker said that something needs to be done but not what the Democrats are proposing.

I was the only person who disagreed with anything either of the "two-headed one party system," a term coined by Trends Research Institute President Gerald Celente, has to offer. I proceeded to make the point that the government does not exist on its own it does not generate wealth; it merely thrives on the revenue it usurps from private citizens, small businesses, and corporations for its existence. The government is a parasite.

There is no doubt that anyone reading this has been to one of the many government-run post offices or to their local DMV. At first glance you think you are about to enter a Cold-War era Soviet-designed structure. You enter the dark, cracked concrete building only to find long lines of disgruntled people endlessly waiting. After waiting in line for multiple hours you finally talk to someone. The government employee that is there to serve you and is, in essence, employed by you is unwilling to crack a smile, often comes across as being uneducated, and treats you as if you are being processed for penitentiary.

This is what happens when the government takes over anything; the life is sucked out of it. They attract some of the biggest losers to work for them. Any private business would lose its customer base and revenue with the same level of service.

Whereas most private companies must compete against other private companies for business, government-run services are monopolized; they have no profit motive, and are heavily subsidized. There is nothing to incentivize the government to improve these services. For example, when the United States Postal Service is faced with the option of laying off workers they won't do it, even though many of them are terrible workers, instead they raise the price of stamps to an arbitrary number thought up by some Neanderthal bureaucrat at the post office.

This is the level of excellence the Democrats hope to raise us to under a socialized system of healthcare?! I think it has something to do with the Marxist utilitarian ideal that society should find a solution that benefits the majority of people with the best outcome. How about everyone suffers equally, where suffering gets progressively worse? That is what happens under the utilitarian approach to any solution.

I don't believe in negotiating with terrorists. Congress and our President are terrorists and don't deserve to be negotiated with. Any plan set forth by Congress whether it be a Republican plan or a Democrat plan is unacceptable. The government has no business in health care at all. Furthermore I don't think we've gone far enough, we should also dissolve Medicaid and Medicare, as well.