Thursday, April 1, 2010

Toyota Sales for March increase 35% in spite of government assault...

I've always known that the Toyota accidents and recalls were entirely overrated. Obama and his team of central planners are trying to prove to Americans that "yes [the government] can!" run a car company better than competent businessmen, but in the end it's going to back fire on them. 

Let's take the sixty day money back guarantee that Government Motors is currently offering. Only a team of government bureaucrats would come up with such an idiotic idea. I can't wait to see the huge depreciation expenses GM will inevitably take when they have to take back many of the cars. 

Furthermore, I don't think Obama realizes that the American people aren't stupid. The public understands that Socialist regimes, like the current one, unjustly use all resources at their disposal, like the IRS and the FBI, to attack those who oppose them politically. In this case Obama used the State-controlled media and The Transportation Department to attack Toyota's credibility in hopes of bringing GM's competition down a peg or 2. 

If this doesn't work the Socialists will just bail GM out again. Eventually, when this idea fails again, they'll likely put huge tariffs on foreign competitors, and when consumers still refuse to buy cars from GM (because the quality will continue to decline, while the prices continue to increase) they'll nationalize the entire industry. It sounds unbelievable, but, then again, I never cease to be amazed at the incompetence and arrogance of Obama and his rubber-stamp Congress...

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