Thursday, August 20, 2009

Government Destruction

In the past week on a couple of occasions a few co-workers and I discussed the health care bill proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats and all sorts of thoughts were thrown out as to why it is good or bad. Two over-riding thoughts prevailed. One co-worker said that legislation was needed to allow a government-run option "to keep insurance companies honest." That line is exactly the garbage the President is spewing. Another co-worker said that something needs to be done but not what the Democrats are proposing.

I was the only person who disagreed with anything either of the "two-headed one party system," a term coined by Trends Research Institute President Gerald Celente, has to offer. I proceeded to make the point that the government does not exist on its own it does not generate wealth; it merely thrives on the revenue it usurps from private citizens, small businesses, and corporations for its existence. The government is a parasite.

There is no doubt that anyone reading this has been to one of the many government-run post offices or to their local DMV. At first glance you think you are about to enter a Cold-War era Soviet-designed structure. You enter the dark, cracked concrete building only to find long lines of disgruntled people endlessly waiting. After waiting in line for multiple hours you finally talk to someone. The government employee that is there to serve you and is, in essence, employed by you is unwilling to crack a smile, often comes across as being uneducated, and treats you as if you are being processed for penitentiary.

This is what happens when the government takes over anything; the life is sucked out of it. They attract some of the biggest losers to work for them. Any private business would lose its customer base and revenue with the same level of service.

Whereas most private companies must compete against other private companies for business, government-run services are monopolized; they have no profit motive, and are heavily subsidized. There is nothing to incentivize the government to improve these services. For example, when the United States Postal Service is faced with the option of laying off workers they won't do it, even though many of them are terrible workers, instead they raise the price of stamps to an arbitrary number thought up by some Neanderthal bureaucrat at the post office.

This is the level of excellence the Democrats hope to raise us to under a socialized system of healthcare?! I think it has something to do with the Marxist utilitarian ideal that society should find a solution that benefits the majority of people with the best outcome. How about everyone suffers equally, where suffering gets progressively worse? That is what happens under the utilitarian approach to any solution.

I don't believe in negotiating with terrorists. Congress and our President are terrorists and don't deserve to be negotiated with. Any plan set forth by Congress whether it be a Republican plan or a Democrat plan is unacceptable. The government has no business in health care at all. Furthermore I don't think we've gone far enough, we should also dissolve Medicaid and Medicare, as well.


  1. As you mentioned it once in there, socialism. What ever happened to capitalism and survival of the fittest? Since when did everybody feel like they are entitled to get something but put up nothing. I think it's great for someone, Obama; Democrats; Liberals, to have good ideals but the fact of the matter is that ideals don't work! There are winners and there are losers. Period. The best thing about watching a sporting event when the two competitors are both undefeated is the fact that you get to see one of them take the plunge. Someone has to lose and he doesn't get that and neither does America. Ideals are the only thing Obama has. He needs to come out of never never land and visit reality once in a while. You can't just GIVE everybody health care. You can't expect businesses to just GIVE their employees higher wages. You can't expect oil companies to just GIVE you more tax money. You can't just GIVE financial institutions and auto makers billions of dollars for poor business practices. Someone has to lose and that is just the way the world is. There is no such thing as something for nothing. There never has been and there never will be. Democrats are the people that used to get made fun of in school. They were the kids that couldn't get dates and couldn't make the team. Then they grow up and think, "I'm gonna change the world!!" All I've got to say to them is good luck... Losers

  2. I totally agree.

    As you correctly pointed out, government does not create wealth, it merely takes from group A to give to group B. Moreover, government is inherently interested in increasing its "customers", that is, tax leeches.

    Many argue that the US has a "free-market healthcare system" That is simply baloney. Can anybody go and freely practice medicine? Why do people need a "prescription" from a state-licensed doctor to get medications from a pharmacy? Why some many stupid forms at a hospital? Why so much bureaucracy at all levels in the medical field? Our healthcare system is a mess exactly because it is a fascist/socialist system.

    In a truly free-market healthcare system, there would be a clinic, hospital and ER room for every budget for everybody. Those truly in need would get taken care by private hospitals at a discount or simply on a pro-bono basis.

    As Dr. Lew Rockwell says the two-party system is "two wings of the same bird of prey"

    "A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." Lysander Spooner.

  3. I'm in total agreement with your assessment of government. You are entirely correct about the issue of rudeness exhibited by those people who do indeed 'work for us'.

  4. correct! government produces nothing of value. the founding fathers envisioned a government by the people, and for the people. america has been a place where the entrepeneurial spirit flourishes. that very spirit has blessed this country (and has also kept afloat that creaking, bloated, growing mass which is government). we need to continually remind our so called "public servants" that they are just that,and we ought begin at the top. the current citizen gatherings going on across the fruited plains are a good start. be they democrat or republican, our legislators are not to be trusted. indeed their credibility is at an all time low. how dare any politician, particularly those who have never held down a real job, how dare any such presume to force upon me his illogical and hare brained schemes?
    your thought provoking comments are appreciated capitalist jerk. more!
